identity, body it. -curated by Takashi Azumaya-
nca | nichido contemporary art, Japan
21 May 2010 – 19 June 2010
Artists: Janaina Tschäpe / Sara Dolatabadi / Alice Anderson / Imhathai Suwattanasilp / Loukia Alavanou / Mari Katayama

Photography; “in my room” and Objects; “doll”, “neco cushion”, “leg cushion”,
“pink shoes”, “patch work” and “oil work”.
identity, body it. -curated by Takashi Azumaya-
nca | nichido contemporary art, 日本
出品作家: ジャナイナ・チェッペ、サラ・ドラタバディ、アリス・アンダーソン、イムハッタイ・スワッタナシルプ、ルキア・アラバノ、片山真理